xpt7000 Publish time 10-5-2021 17:13:40

Huawei hcip security learning experience sharing

Hcip security has been successfully won, mainly through the brush question bank to learn.
After a rough look at Huawei‘s official textbooks, there are not many memory points. The rest of the time is mainly to get familiar with the question bank and exercise question bank.
I started to practice the question bank on March 22nd. There are about 190 questions. I only got 400 points in my first simulated teststatic/image/smiley/default/dizzy.gifIt‘s not very ideal. After that, I would practice about 3-5 times a day, and then I would take the simulation test again. I practiced for about 4 days in total. In the 3.25 exam, only 2 new questions appeared, and finally I won with a score of 950.
The other two subjects had the same strategy, mainly exercises and simulated tests, which were scored 935 and 960 respectively
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